I’m Bradley Bernard. I ideate and build the next generation of software products.
Coding and building products has been a lifelong passion of mine. I am deadly curious and deeply self motivated to learn new technologies. Over the past 15+ years, I've built websites, iOS apps, CLI tools, storefronts, ... you name it! Some wildly successful; others never made it out of the side project graveyard.
I share my learnings, mistakes, and goals on my blog. If you're interested in my day-to-day work, follow me on Twitter: @bradleybernard. Need a new podcast? Come listen to the podcast I created with my brother about technology and accounting: Breakeven Brothers.
You can explore my GitHub to see what I'm coding on, skim my résumé to see if there is a fit, and/or connect with me on LinkedIn! Have a question or want to chat? I can be reached on my socials or directly via email at bradbernard at me dot com.